Sunday, August 4, 2013

Marfy Pants and a Question

Is there a Rainbow Bridge for cats?  Of course, I know there isn't really a Rainbow Bridge for dogs, but I like to think that God has some special place for our beloved pets.  Heaven will certainly be a happier place with them than without.  I have several dogs waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for me; Tiny, my first dog, Brandy, the first dog Roger and I had, Peaches, our children's first pet, Cinnamon, my beloved Chocolate Lab, and Nutmeg, our sweet, but very neurotic Yellow Lab mix that was Cinnamon's faithful friend and kept him in line.  But there will only be two cats waiting for my family there.  We still have our Pepper cat, but yesterday, our three legged Seven of Nine went to be at the Rainbow Bridge.  Our home is a little sadder today because of it.

Seven came to us as a wild kitten that got caught in our fence.  We rescued her and took her to our Vet for emergency care.  Dr. Ramage is a wonderful Vet and we just love him and his staff.  The first thing he told me was that he would have to amputate her leg at the shoulder because the circulation had been cut off so long and that it would be almost impossible to find a home for her. Our household is a house full of dog lovers and with our two Labs, I wasn't sure how well a cat  would work.  Dr. Ramage assured me that the cat would be just fine because Labs are so friendly.  So she came home with us.  The dogs never bothered with her.  But she didn't have a thing to do with them either.  Actually, she moved into one bedroom and whomever lived in that bedroom became her personal servant and bed warmer.  She wouldn't have anything to do with anyone else.  First our daughter lived in the room with her and when she moved out, our son moved in.  Robert has taken care of her for the last ten years and it was he that held her in her last minutes.  I know he is missing her, but there will not be another feline addition to the household.  We do still have Mr. Pepper that came into the household as a friend for Seven.  Instead, he discovered the two Labs and kept them terrorized.  I swear he barks like a dog.  No meowing for him.  I've noticed Pepper has spent the day in Rob's room.  I guess they are both missing Seven.

I basted my Marfy/CLD pants together today and found that they were just a little snug through the hi-hip.  Nothing unusual about that.  I had added a second dart to the Marfy pattern, so I took those darts out, but it was still just a little more fitted than I like.  So I think tomorrow I will let out the area from the waist down  about four inches.  It won't take more than about 1/2".  But the backside had the good looks of the Louise Cutting's My Swing Set Pants.  I do love that pattern.

I didn't get much sewing time today and sorry, but no pictures.  We've had the kids since 9:00 a.m. this morning.  I took the oldest two up to school to meet their teachers since school starts tomorrow.  I expected to have most of the evening to sew, but my daughter came home from work and did not look well at all.  Her face was bright red and she said she hadn't felt well all day.  I wanted to take her to the ER, but she would not go.  I checked her blood pressure and it was 135/98.  I know that is way, way too high for that bottom figure.  I fed her some dinner and made her stay with us until it was time to put the kids to bed.  I also had her take a potassium tablet which I know should help.  I sat down with the kids and explained to them, that Mom was sick and it was very important that they not get her upset tonight.  We also made sure that Joshua knows how to use her phone to dial 911 and call me.  Her husband works nights and won't be home until in the morning.  I made her promise to check her blood pressure in the morning and go see her doctor if it was still high.  We did get her blood pressure down to 124/97, but that bottom number is still dangerously high.  I would like to call her, but I also want her to sleep right now.  I will be calling her in the morning.

Hugs, Phylly


  1. FINALLY! I have had the hardest time with my computers lately. I've been running some cleaner on this one because it wouldn't go to Internet Explorer. I wanted to check your blog. Just got to see it. I am so shocked that Seven died! You didn't say anything Sunday when I talked to you. I'm sorry because I know how attached you are to your pets, but I am glad you have one less pet to worry about. I have never heard of "rainbow bridge". I must be living under one!
    Hugs, Joy

  2. I didn't want to get Keira started on her round of questions again. "Nana, are you still sad Seven died?" "is Jasper sad Seven died?" "I'm so sad Seven died." "Why did Seven only have three legs?" "I think Uncle Rob is still sad." "Why did you put Seven in the ground?" "What is going to happen to Seven now?" "Is Pepper going to die?" "Is Pepper sad, too?" On and on she goes. A few weeks ago she got on a kick about asking if the dogs had rabies. I don't know where she comes up with this stuff. But when she does, she drive me crazy.

    Rainbow Bridge is an imaginary place just outside of Heaven's gates where beloved pets wait for their person to come get them and then they go into Heaven with their person. I think it is based on a poem written by a dog lover. If you Google "Rainbow Bridge" you will find a website about it.

    Hugs, Phylly
