Friday, July 26, 2013

Wonderful Fridays!

Don't Fridays just feel wonderful?  Its the beginning of the weekend and I can sleep late in the morning.  Sleeping late means past 7:00 a.m. to me.  Such a luxury to not have an obnoxious alarm go off and wake you up.  I really hate alarm clocks.  When the alarm clock makes a little "clicking" noise I reach up and slap the thing off because I hate the loud noise.  On the other hand, my dear husband, Roger, lets it blare on forever!  I'll be in the kitchen on the other side of the house from the bedroom and it will be driving me crazy!  He doesn't even hear it.  Fortunately, he hears my voice when I politely (or, maybe not so politely) ask (demand) he turn it off.

Oh, yes, we were talking about Fridays being the beginning of the weekend. A lovely weekend for me.

My plans for tomorrow include cleaning the oven.  We won't discuss how long it has been since it has been cleaned.  Supposedly you can set it to clean itself and come back in four hours later and have a shiny clean oven.  Yeah, right!  It never has worked that way.  Halfway through the cycle it starts beeping and flashing numbers at me which, in oven language means, "YOU BETTER TURN ME OFF BEFORE I BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN!"  I had a repairman out to fix it and we thought it was fixed, but the next time I turned it on, it did its flashing and beeping thing.  So, I've just decided to do it the old fashioned way. 

The only reason I can clean my oven tomorrow is because I don't have my grandchildren this weekend.  Its the first time I haven't had them on a weekend in a couple of years, other than when I have been out of town.  Normally, I have them nine to ten hours on Saturday and Sunday.  So, my plans are to clean the oven and at least the dining room tomorrow and maybe clean the kitchen floor on Sunday.  After that I can do what I want to do-------SEW!

I want to finish  Joy Joy's birthday gift tomorrow.  If I get that done, then I will cut out some pants from my new Marfy/MSS pattern.  I've decided to make the pants out of denim.  Then if the fit isn't perfect I'll just use them for "around the house" pants. If they fit well, then I'll have a new pair of pants I can wear to work on Fridays and out of the house.  Not that I get out of the house much except to go to work.

No pictures today, but I think I've finally found one for my blog that I like.  I spent the evening watching videos on using Photoshop Elements and then playing with it a little.  If nothing else, I know how to crop photos now.  If I could just figure out how to save them and move from the Edit side to the Organize side without being rudely beeped at a dozen times I would be so happy.

Happy Sewing,


  1. HEY!!! I left you a comment hours ago. WHERE is it? Blogger is really weird some days. Be prepared for strange happenings.

    Wish I could remember what I said. That was before the last Ibuprofen I took. I'm off to recline.

    Hugs, Joy

  2. OH! I know what happened. You have to transcribe that illegible writing someone makes up and prints out in invisible ink on an odd looking background. I think I got it this time.

    I will DEFINITELY be up there for my birthday now. I wouldn't want you to make something for me and then me not be there. That would be SO RUDE! (-;

    Hugs, Joy

  3. In Edit:
    1. Crop
    2. File; Save For Web
    3. Resize largest # to 1000, other # will change itself.
    4. Okay
    5. Choose the file you want it in and NAME IT. Click whatever to save that. Screen goes back to Edit.
    6. Click on "X" next to that picture.
    7. When it says "do you want to save" -- Say "NO"

    That's it.

  4. Thank you, my dear. However, I got stuck the other day on "Save for Web". It kept telling me it was too big for that. Now that I've read the book that Roger bought me two years ago I think I know how to fix that.

    I figured I was going to have to come down there to give you your birthday gift.;-)
    Hugs, Phylly
