Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Nanas.....

Oops!  I completely forgot about cleaning the oven.  I did clean the dining room up, but that was as far as I got.  I was exhausted when I finished.  I decided I'd done enough for one day.  I wish I had taken pictures of the before.  I have no space in my laundry room to fold clothes, so they get piled on the dining room table until I get time to fold them.  Yeah, right!  Which is the problem; I never find time to fold them.  To complicate the issue the grandkids computer is in the corner of the dining room and with them in there the clothes get knocked on the floor and pretty soon you can't tell we have hardwood floors.  It looks as if it is carpeted in clothes. Oh, not my clothes.  Its the grandkids clothes, underwear, towels, sheets, Roger's clothes, etc.  I usually hang mine up out of the washer.

Unlike Joy Joy, I am not a cleaning machine.  She keeps telling me she makes messes, too.  The difference between us is that while she will clean her cutting table of books and magazines by tossing them in the floor, she will pick them up when she is finished with what she is doing.  I would walk by the mess in the floor for six weeks and every time I would think to myself, "I need to pick that stuff up."  I always have good intentions, but never get things done.  My life is just too busy.  Of course, Roger says that I could find the time to clean if I wanted to (as he sits in his chair watching TV.)  He forgets that if I don't get to sew, I am not happy and if I'm not happy I can get mean! (Yes, Joy Joy, mean!)

As I said before, I have my three grandchildren five days a week, Thursday through Monday.  I work Monday through Friday at FMS.  When I get home the kids are there and we have them as late as 11:30  on week nights.  Usually we have them 8-10 hours on Saturday and Sunday.  I love them dearly, but they surely wear me out.  Roger and I had three children that were stair steps just like the grandkids.  One day I said to him, "I don't remember our kids wearing me out so much and getting on my nerves."  He just looked at me and smiled, "You're thirty years older than you were then."  It does make a difference.

Remember, I said I have nine days vacation from the kids?  Well, my vacation ended last night at nine o'clock with a call from my daughter saying that their plumbing had backed up and their apartment was flooded; could they come over.  What else could I say but, "Yes."  So, they arrived an hour later.  As much as possible, I am trying to be invisible in my sewing room and direct them to their mother for all their needs.  That does not usually work.

I thought you might want to see some pictures of them. What grandmother doesn't share pictures?
 Keira, age six and Nana, 10 x 6.  Yes, she is ornery,  cute and never stops talking.  Ever!  She begins every sentence with "Nana...."  I tell her she is wearing out my name.
 Joshua will be eight in August.  Smart as a whip, but has an, "attitude" sometimes that gets him in trouble. I've taken care of him since he was a newborn.  He never leaves but what I get kisses.  Loves to "scare" me.
Justin in his Easter outfit.  He loved that hat!  He is pure boy!  If he can pick it up, it will be thrown.  He will be three in November.  Have you ever had a child go through a "yes phase"?  He says, "yes" to everything.  "Do you want a spanking?"  "Yes." says Justin with a big grin.  How do you spank him at that point?

Please pray for me!

There will be sewing in the next post, I promise.

Hugs, Phylly

1 comment:

  1. Blogger is SO stupid about comments. It should say "Leave A Comment", NOT "No Comments". How would you know, if you just didn't already know, that you click on "No Comments" to LEAVE a comment?

    That is a darling pic of Justin in the hat. You didn't show me Easter pics! I hardly recognize Joshua. When did he get THAT OLD?!

    Hugs, Joy
